Working in a Pandemic2025-01-29T11:21:22+00:00


In March 2020, and the many months that followed, we all faced loss and dramatic change.

In finding new ways to connect and communicate during that time I wrote a blog which served to speak of the process and maintain contact with clients who could no longer attend or access sessions online.

Later, in the summer of 2020, I was fortunate to be able to create an outdoor space which allowed clients, old and new, to come into the therapeutic work in person during the period where meeting indoors was still not possible.

I have kept the blogs and images of the shelter here as a record of that work and time. I suspect there is still much to be learned from our experiences then.

Packing up for the break and making sure I (psychologically) pack all I need to take with me.

By |July 23rd, 2021|Categories: Blog|

As with planned endings in therapy, this month I close my blog, prepare to take a break from my practice and think about what I take with me. I'm going for the good stuff.   [...]

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Preparing to end my monthly blog in anticipation of a return to old practice brings opportunity to reflect on how we engage with endings.

By |June 25th, 2021|Categories: Blog|

Preparing to end here reminds me of the attention we pay to endings in therapy. Writing this penultimate blog I pay attention to how it feels, just as I ask my clients to pay attention [...]

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A year on and where are we now? Let me have a look around and get my bearings …

By |April 27th, 2021|Categories: Blog|

This month's blog completes a full calendar year of writing here. I reflect on the past twelve months and notice that, as I did this time last year, I am seeking others' words of wisdom [...]

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A misty March morning and difficulty seeing the way ahead. Another parallel in our world as we move forward with uncertainty.

By |March 18th, 2021|Categories: Blog|

A morning mist in March. Fog. Blur. No clear view ahead. No sight of the sun lighting the scene. A sense of stagnation, impasse and a lack of clarity. Therapy can feel a bit like [...]

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